Media Skills and Strategies
In order to amplify your message, mobilize support and put pressure on power-holders, it is essential to engage the media. This section provides tools to frame your message, use popular or traditional culture, reach out to local media outlets, conduct powerful interviews and use social media effectively.
Message Framing - Knowing how to craft your message is critical to the success of your campaign. These tools will support you to target your messages to make them clear and compelling to the interests and concerns of different stakeholders,
Adapting Culture: This document will support you to use a variety of traditional and popular culture to deliver your message.
Message Framing Tips: This tool from Story-Based Strategy shares a checklist of qualities in creating an effective message.
Tips for Using Social Media: Digital advocacy using social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and blogs, is another important tool to raise awareness, pressure decision-makers and build a base of support. These documents provide essential tips for effectively using social media for your campaign.
Tips for Local Media Coverage: Applying a multimedia approach in advocacy provides the opportunity to reach your audience with the various media outlets available. Using local press such as local radio, TV and newspaper is recommended especially when doing local campaigns. Conducting continuous outreach and being part of media networks can provide you with the right links to the appropriate channels, talk shows or newspapers that allow you to reach more people in the most relevant manner. This document provides tips to get your local media sources, such as radio, newspaper and TV, to cover your advocacy events and actions.
Kenyan Case Study: This link highlights how Kenya Ethical and Legal Issues Network (KELIN) leveraged media in their advocacy work for sexual and reproductive health rights.
Media Interview Techniques: Knowing how to provide a clear, concise and compelling interview for the media by honing your top 2-3 key messages in ten words or fewer, knowing how to provide “message sandwiches”, having clear and congruent body language, being authentic and providing compelling examples and evidence to support your message. This tool provides ten guidelines to support you in preparing and conducting a powerful press interview!