Monitoring and Evaluation Tool
It is important to monitor, document and evaluate the impact of your actions and if you are moving toward your goal. Involve your team to participate in a regular cycle of action and reflection to track progress and identify where you are at in any given moment, what is working and what changes you might need to make in your strategy. It is also important to celebrate your victories and successes along the way to keep people motivated for the long haul!
Baseline Data: A set of data collected at the beginning of a study or before your advocacy intervention has occurred. The baseline data will provide the basis for the advocacy goals and interventions - and a measurement to gauge your progress and success!
Source: Community Tool Box
D,M & E Tools for Advocacy: Monitoring and evaluation can shape and transform an advocacy strategy and help ensure results have the maximum effect. This document from UNICEF’s Advocacy Toolkit outlines basic steps in planning monitoring and evaluation for advocacy. It includes
Distinctive features of monitoring and evaluation for advocacy.
Five questions for planning advocacy monitoring and evaluation.
Special Focuses on equity, humanitarian advocacy monitoring and evaluation, and knowledge management.
Seventeen data collection tools for measuring advocacy outputs, outcomes and impacts.
Four Case Studies from Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Mexico, Tajikistan and Iceland.
Following up with next steps
Appreciation Activities: This document includes a series of appreciation activities to ensure that everyone feels valued and recognized for their time, energy and contributions. Advocacy is hard work and it can be very easy to burn out. Building a culture of appreciation is important not only to acknowledge people’s efforts but also to embody the world of equity and love that we want to create!